Monday, December 22, 2008


My little peanut turned one today.  Exactly one year ago today, he surprised us all by arriving 3 weeks early.  He picked a pretty terrible birthday.  He didn't have any Christmas presents because none of us expected him until after the new year.  He also had a pretty rough entrance into this world.

He's come a long way.

I absolutely refuse to accept the fact that he is technically no longer a baby.  Sure, all the proof is there.  He's trying to walk, trying to talk, learning to say no and eating real food now, but I just can't accept it!  I will have no part in helping him to grow up any faster.  I want to cuddle him and coddle him.  I want to keep him a baby.  I have to remind myself that every day brings new and exciting things.  Sure, it's fun to have a sweet smelling newborn to nurse, but it's also awesome to see that newborn learn and grow in so many ways.  Being a mom sure is bittersweet sometimes.

I'm very worried about making his birthday special.  It's hard to plan a big party because everyone is caught up in preparing for Christmas and traveling.  Not only is the poor little guy stuck with tons of hand-me-down toys and clothes, but his birthday is right before the biggest holiday of the year.  

I'm determined to make his birthdays special.  We had a small family party tonight.  I made his large cake and smash cake just like I made Jackson's.  I also made him his own birthday banner and a cute shirt for the occasion.  He racked up pretty well with the presents, too.

Happy birthday sweet boy!  You'll always be my baby. 


Katy said...

He is so cute! I don't like watching mine grow up either! It is bittersweet. Live and Love in these moments! God Bless!

Jerrod Moll said...

I can't believe he is 1 either. It just seems like yesterday we were hanging out after band practice or eating large amounts of taco bell. Give us a call if you guys have some time while in Bham!

Susan said...

Oh sweet post! He's such a cutie. I love that birthday picture of him, you captured such a great look on his face. When is #3 on the way? =)

thatbenguy said...

Wow, seems like just yesterday we stopped by to see him. Maybe you and Jenny can have some sort of support group together - your post is her sentiment exactly.

-Ben (the winner of the Hypermiling challenge)