Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Homemade Baby Food

I like making homemade baby food because it is very simple, quick and rewarding.  I still buy jarred foods because they are convenient for travel and there are some varieties that I would rather not make myself like meat and prunes.

The two simplest foods I have made are avocado and banana.  All you have to do is mash them up and add a little liquid, you could use breastmilk or fruit juice.  That's it!  It's that simple.
The other varieties I make are a little more complicated, but not much.  I just made a couple of batches on Friday and of course I took pictures to share with you!

I made pears and butternut squash.  Start by cutting the fruit into large chunks and steaming it with the skin on.  Leaving the skin on retains more nutrients.

After steaming, peel the skin and cut into smaller pieces and puree them in a food processor.  This is the point where you add liquid to get it to the desired consistency.  I use breast milk (this is an added bonus to homemade baby food), or you can just add some of the liquid that is leftover from steaming.
Then, you just spoon the baby food into ice cube trays and freeze it. 
 After it's frozen, just pop the cubes into freezer bags and label them.  Each cube is about an ounce.  
This whole process takes less than an hour and it's very satisfying and cheaper than jars.   I usually do 2-3 different foods at a time and it gives me an excuse to make a trip to the farmer's market.


Janie Mauter said...

Very cool!

Holly said...

You really are Superwoman! I have been catching up on the blog today, and I am so impressed by all your projects!

Lettie said...

Oh please! I'm not even "mediocrewoman!"
You're sweet to say that, though.
You've been neglecting your blog lately...

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean "Jerrod" Foods?

Anonymous said...

Lettie - you are the reason I made Leah's food. If you didn't make Jackson's food, I would have thought it was too hard!

Katy said...

You may not remember me from high school but I liked the info. I too am trying the homemade baby food. I think that I am going to try your receipe.

Lettie said...

Are you for real? That's awesome! I'm glad I blabbed to you about it.

Lettie said...

Hi! Good luck with the baby food! Let me know how it goes!