Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The boys and I went blueberry picking in the rain this week. I've been wanting to go for a while and this week was pretty skimpy on activities and appointments so I decided Tuesday would be a good day. We ended up going to Gin House Branch Farm in Decatur. It was excellent. They had a ton of ripe, plump berries and they work on the honor system, so you can just show up whenever you like and put your money in their lockbox and start picking.

We got very wet and dirty, but at least we weren't hot. The boys had a blast! We filled up a gallon bucket in no time and Patrick filled up his belly. I think he ate as many as we put in our bucket. He was just shoving them in his mouth by the handful.

I made this blueberry muffin recipe this morning and it is excellent! This has become my new favorite baking blog. She has a very interesting looking vegan chocolate cake that I'm dying to make for my sister-in-law, Lizzie.

Anyone have any good blueberry recipes?


Janie Mauter said...

What?! You mean you can actually make muffins from scratch, and not from a bag? I'm shocked!