Monday, September 8, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup Quick Facts

Lizzie got me going this evening by sending this:

Lettie also showed me the complimentary TV commercial that goes with these quick facts.

I have another Quick Fact for you.  High Fructose Corn Syrup will rot your teeth out, make you obese, give you diabetes, and make your family dislike you.

Why does every item in the middle of the grocery store contain a sweetener?  Sugar Sells.  75 years ago, we didn't sweeten EVERY item.  You can't even buy a loaf of bread that doesn't contain a sweetener.  People love sugar, and High Fructose Corn Syrup is a rampant sweetener that is easy to produce.  It's not bad for you, unless you eat it in every single bite of food that you eat at every single meal, all day long, for as long as your teeth stay attached to their gums.  After that you can easily blend it up and inject it.  Why does anyone have to spend so much money to champion their cause with a national TV ad?  Perhaps it's because they make enormous amounts of money, and don't care about the effects of their actions.

2nd rant for this post...Why do we preserve items so much that even bugs won't eat it anymore. If the bugs are smart enough to stay away from our overprocessed foods, maybe we shouldn't put it in our bodies.

3rd rant... Who would preach about processed foods and sweeteners right after they posted a topic about feeding their kids fruit snacks.  ME.  That's right.  It doesn't make any sense, but that's how this blog rolls.

Lastly, everyone should run out and purchase a few chickens to reduce their dependence on the capitalistic food economy.  There is nothing more gratifying than returning from the backyard with a handful of homegrown eggs.  I wish my chickens would start laying some.


Jess Gordon said...

Oh my gosh, for a second there I thought you were going to say the chickens already started laying eggs! Let me know when they do, so my family and I can end our dependence on the capitalistic food economy (by sending Gabe over to swipe eggs while you're busy writing blog rants).

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!

War Eagle

Елизавета said...

On the Sweet Facts, they never claim that HFCS is good for you, just that it is no worse than refined sugar. BTW, refined sugar may be filtered or whitened by using cow's bone char.
Sugar manufacturers that use bone char filters:
California & Hawaiian Sugar Company (with the exception of its Washed Raw Sugar)
Savannah Foods

Anonymous said...

i know this is fake so stop blogging.