Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Face Twitches

I stayed up most of the night for some reason and was very tired today at work. I wasn't thinking at my best, but made it through the day without any brain catastrophes. I did notice consistent twitching on the left side of my face; mostly above my left lip and at my left eye. Since everyone gets this I didn't think much of it, but it is more noticeable than normal. I covered that side of my face when people were talking with me because it didn't feel quite right. (Looking back, I also had beginnings of reduced muscle control around my mouth which was most noticeable when laughing at other people's misfortune) I also knew my eye was tired, but I contributed that to the lack of sleep as well. I skipped a class at work at the end of the day and went home and had no new symptoms, and didn't mention anything other than noticing weird face syndrome to Lettie.